viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014


1.-The nightime life in Edinburgh is very fun and confortable, i have been in Edinburgh and it was pretty good, it was my birthday and there was a lot of pubs and the subway was 24/7, so in my opinion was a very good city to have my birthday i enjoy it so much, another thing is that in Edinburgh there isnt too much crime so it was very safe to be alone orwuth friends.

2.-One of the best attraccion and tourist partof Edinburgh is The Castle Rock this castle has been there for shelter the people from the attacks of the barbarians, in this castle there are guide tours inside the castle, another good important place is the old town and the scotish museum of Scotland that is in the middle of the town.

3.-One of the main tradition in Edinburgh is the use of the kilt, the kilt is one of the most tipicall custom in Scotland, one peculiar thing is that men use it, this tippicall custom has been use it for more that 400 years and is also use in all festivals, also people use bagpipes, the bagpipes also have been used in festivals normally the use it for the start of one. One of the main food of Scotland is the Fish and Chips but is also very common in the United Kindom.

4.-One thing that youhave to know if you are going to Edinburgh is that this city is very expensive, compared with Chile, one subway in Edinburgh cost the double as in Chile, this happen because work in Edinburgh give a lot of money so they have a very expensive live, but this also give a lot of different good things, in Edinburgh people have free health care and free education so they often live better than us.

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